Monthly Archives: July 2017

Data security in the cloud

Data Security cloud DNA IT

Many businesses are moving to the cloud and their primary motivation for this move is the cost savings and flexibility it offers.  However, there is another significant benefit to be gained and that is increased security for data. Protecting Data When you hold sensitive customer data you have an obligation to keep that information safe.  […]

Avoiding Catastrophe

Disaster Recovery DNA IT

Disaster. The very word invokes a feeling of serious solemnity. The thesaurus offers alternative such as ‘tragedy’, ‘ruin’ and ‘catastrophe’ – all something any right-minded person would like to avoid. Disaster Recovery In business, serious IT infrastructure or data issues can become exactly that – a disaster, and depending on the scale of the issue, […]

Accelerate Hybrid Cloud Adoption with IBM Cloud & VMware

Hybrid Cloud DNA IT

At enterprise level, hybrid cloud is becoming the new normal. With so many platforms and tools the transformation can seem confusing, complex and expensive.   Hybrid integrates the economy and efficiency of cloud with your existing on premises infrastructure.  While going hybrid will bring new challenges these can be easily solved by choosing the right products […]