What is Network security? It is the practice of preventing unauthorised access to a private network or the monitoring of use of a public access network.
In simple terms this protects your company data, protects your users and in turn protects your reputation. In this age of GDPR and data protection, it is more important than ever to ensure what you have stored remains secure. With increased security threats coming from cyber criminals there are new risks to consider all the time.
Sometimes the biggest threat can be quite innocent and will come from within the walls of your office. Do you know who has access to your system? Now think about that question very carefully before answering. Even with your staff, not all of them should have the same access level. Then contractors should have even more limited access and outside agencies none at all. Consider former employees, interns and short term visitors to your office. Do they still have access once they leave the building?
Misuse of technology
Misuse or modification of both hardware and software technologies are a big threat. There should be procedures in place to avoid this happening. The right network security will target various threats and stop them from entering the network and spreading. And just in case they do get through, it’s important that you have the most up to date anti-virus and anti-malware software in place.
All the applications that you are running to operate the business should be secure and kept up to date. This will ensure you are not allowing any vulnerabilities. It’s easy to do this but sometimes it will get forgotten about. Firewalls will stop some major risks in their tracks, before they start to cause havoc but they only work in conjunction with everything else.
Online Security
Web security will control what websites your users can access, thereby keeping them on reputable and safe websites. Lessening the risk with email network systems makes real sense. This will filter potential issues before they land in the user’s in-box. Talk to your team about data loss prevention. Make sure they know how to keep information secure by not forwarding or sharing in a non-secure way.
The Wi-Fi code
Another aspect of network security pertains to wireless. You would do well to protect the network by not having the same for all users. It is recommended to have separate Wi-Fi access for staff, visitors and public.
As with all security, IT or physical security of buildings, there is no one-size-for-all solution. A combination of layers of security is the best option. If you do not have the confidence that your network security is up to scratch, maybe it is time you spoke to the experts at DNA IT Solutions.