Is Managed ICT Cresting A Wave?

Managed ICT DNA IT Solutions

Outsourcing the IT function isn’t a particularly new idea but cloud facilitation is driving a new wave of adoption, leading some market observers to think that critical mass has been achieved, writes Alex Meehan, Sunday Business Post.

Recently the Sunday Business Post ran a feature that DNA IT Solutions contributed to, here we share with you what our thoughts were.

Changing role of the data centre

A further interesting development in how managed services are developing is the changing role of the data centre. Where owning or using the services of a data centre used to be something solely done by large enterprise-scale companies, increased interest in cloud services amongst companies of all sizes has changed that. Today, companies of all sizes are using data centre services and they want managed service providers to facilitate that for them.

Declan Hussey, chief executive officer of DNA IT, argues that it’s no longer feasible for many companies to build out data centre infrastructure for smaller companies to a high level. ‘’It just wouldn’t make sense when they can come to a company like us instead. What would take them six months to consider, design and build, we can do in a fraction of the time at any location across the globe at enterprise level” he said.

IT as a service

“At the same time, 10 or 12 years ago the only companies talking about data centres were enterprise level in size. Now even small companies have them, and routinely talk about their ‘data centres’ in some respect. That change is dramatic in a relatively short period of time.” According to Hussey, the whole IT-as-a-service proposition has become a recognised and established business model and is no longer considered adventurous or unusual. “The concept of taking all encompassing IT management-as-a-service or security from a company like us is now a routine way of doing things so companies need a really good and compelling reason why they’d do it themselves” he said.

“They know they can engage someone else to take the workload off their hands and use the savings in terms of time, resources and money to improve their operational efficiency, reduce their risk, improve their time to market and all that goes with that.” This is a broad trend across the managed service sector, and it’s being observed by different companies looking from different vantage points.